OAP Community Engagement Event

The Oregon Area Progressives are having a Community Engagement Event on March 12, from 12 - 4 pm at the State Bank of Cross Plains in Oregon. The purpose is to create sustained engagement with local folks (like you) about issues that concern us all. This is a great way to meet other concerned people and channel your frustrations into shared action.

Space is limited so reserve your seat at the table ASAP.

March 12, 2017 at 12:00pm - 4pm
State Bank of Cross Plains
744 N Main St
Oregon, WI 53575
United States
Google map and directions
Carlene Bechen ·
Ann Kleckner Christine Welcher Kris and Lowell Halverson Roe Parker Judy Day Marcy Worzala Barbara Feeney Marilyn McDole Patrick Stoffel Ren Patterson gary howards Amanda Peterson Jane Mahoney Beth Whittemore Carlene Bechen Charles Uphoff

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